About me

Discovering it all is also a way of art to me that I have learnt for many long years and still I am day by day. This is what I would like to show to everybody who I guide through my breathtaking hometown. So let me accompany you and open up a city, a new world that you will never forget and will always just want to come back.

My passion and love to my hometown and architecture especially, comes from my childhood as my parents always raised my attention onto the smallest details on buildings wherever we went – whether in Budapest or in any other places during our holiday travels.I went to a tourism-specialised bilingual secondary school originally just to learn two foreign languages and I took my tour guiding exams to have my guiding license by the end of my secondary studies, yet I never planned to be a tour guide.

At university I studied art history and during my studies I soon realised what I want to do for the rest of my life: to show to everybody how unbelievably beautiful and rich architectural details decorates our capital city which is the jewel and the crown of our small but marvellous little country.

If you would like to have a special memory, a personal experience, a local’s knowledge then don’t hesitate, just come on a tour with me! ?

I hope to guide you soon!

Szőke Zsuzsanna
or just